Friday, 28 December 2007
whats the use of " i want to know you more" idea you've been harbouring in your thoughts when you dun actually do it in a RIGHT way.
you give me stress.
i feel the stress.
you're making things damn damn worse,
im feeling worse enough
im tired
havent had a LONG and GOOD sleep
so when i come home
why cant you just shut up, i wanna have a peace of mind.
life has been real busy and tiring these days
i really need some space
i understand you want to know what happened the past days when i was away.
but can you be mroe understanding when my tone already changes?
when i already have a " i dun wanna talk about this anymore. stop. " tone.
its either you dun noe or you just want to keep talking, express your views which are relatively still critisicing our working methods.
and i really think that you just wanna keep talking and be the " know it all" that you think you are and you think that you know everything just because so far, everything has gone well for you, all the organizing of things and stuff.
well, let me tell you. SHUT UP. MOVE AWAY.
you're such a typical auntie. irritating kiasu bo liao gossiper and MEDDLESOME.
i think you have auntie cancer. and its already at stage 4, the critical stage.
i guess i can't tell you all these, jsut to protect myself from the beatings and scoldings i had enough of already. and after this conversation, you just walked away like its MY fault, that im the one being UNREASONABLE. well, imagine someone saying all THOSE to you. would you feel good. ?
okay, it may be STRAIGHTFORWARD for you and you take it and change. but please, people have feelings, your EQ should be BLOODY LOW. well i dun care either.
you dun want the disappointment you got from sister, well i'll give you that disappointment to YOU with my o level results once again. im studying, WAS studying, to fufil your hopes for me. well IM NOT NOW.
sorry dad, i'll have to let you down.
my life will be ruined once she goes. im DOOMED.
and cmon, dun think you're the woman of the centuary. you're NOT.
Monday, 24 December 2007
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Dear 3MD and 3RP guys and gals, we're midway through December already, how have your holidays been? I'm sure you've been busy catching up with family and friends and with CCAs and I'm sure homework too. I've been busy with the school magazine, and it will be ready soon I hope. I'd like to meet u guys at least once before our new year starts, for a session that will last about 2 hours. I'm proposing 17 Dec, Monday next week, from 9.15 to 11.15 am. Please reply as soon as possible if you can make it. Take care and enjoy the holidays while we can!
~Mr. Ahmad
Things to brg along: the midsummer's night dream book and some writing materials
hmm...dun rly feel like going back arh. =X
ok...tts all ba...will update again if there's anything else!
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
english assignment.
(this is what i sent to the class, for reference to those who did not receive the email or do not have an email)
Hey lerling here, this is about the english assignment( a sense of belonging).
Please refer to the Worksheet MS SOH gave us before the holiday for details. the name on top is 'SEC 3EL HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2007/WEBSITE DESIGN-A SENSE OF BELONGING' Please read though all to allow you to have a better concept.
Overall tasks: STORY I/C: pls finish the assignment using microsoft word and send to the compilers. (you need to have the book to do it/pls buy asap)there are 4 compilers respectively. you have to read the story assigned respectively, do internet research on the story, source for other links for the story and lastly develope materials for the website.
TO CHECK YOUR ROLES PLS REFER TO FILE 1 (according to register) and FILE 2 (according to roles) and FILE 3 (STORY I/C)PLease view and save them if you need to.
compiler 1: in charge of compilation of story 1,2,3,4,5(JI XIN)
compiler 2 : in charge of compilation of story 6,7,8,9,10(RENEE)
compiler 3 : in charge of compilation of story 11,12,13,14(XIAOLIN)
compiler 4 : in charge of compilation of story 15,16,17,18 (XUMENG)
your job is to look through the stories and their extra materials, check through them and see if its throughly done.Send to the editors once done.
EDITORS: editor 1: edit story 1,2,3,4(ANGELINE)
editor 2: edit story 5,6,7,8(MEIZHEN)
editor 3 : edit story 9,10,11(YIJIE)
editor 4: edit story 12,13,14(SABRINA)
editor 5 : edit story 15,16,17,18(KAILIN)
editors please read through the stories you are sent to and edit them like vocabulary or grammer etc. (if necessary)once done, please send to the web designers ASAP. there are 4 web designers.
WEB DESIGNERS: .(WILMER, BAOFANG, BRANDON, RACHEL) all 4 of you would probably have to work together as a group. DEVELOPE the website, please ask wilmer for the website password and user. its with him) . DESIGN the website. Consult the co-ordinators for final viewing and design finalization and stuff. While developing your website, you could ask for feedback and suggestions from the class. Conceptualisers are suppose to hel you guys to develope the website too.
CONCEPTUALISER: You have to do internet research for ideas for the website design and concept. Come up with ideas and suggestions for the website. you could discuss among yourselves. CONCEPTUALISERS AND WEB DESIGNERS ARE SUPPOSEDLY SUPPOSE TO WORK TOGETHER TO FINISH UP THE WEBSITE. (WEN XIN, TONGYAO, DANLING, ZHOUWEI, STANLEY, SZE ZHIN) SCHEDULER: Develope a detailed working timeframe for the class and ensure that all are involced on task. HOWEVER, i think that probably the scheduler wouldn't have to go through all these trouble, so
SCHEDULERS are suppose to help out with the web design as well to let them finish work easier and faster. thanks. (ZHONGTAO, YIYANG AND XIAOLAN)
Sorry for the inconvinience caused to some of the editors and compilers who probably have 1 story more to compile or edit. This is due to the number of stories that cant be evenly divided among you all.
FINALLY, any enquires, you can sms me or email me. lerling.
if you need the files please tell me so i can send to you online if you do not have an email or you did not receive an email of such.Thursday, 22 November 2007

zhenming acting cooool!

zhongtao trying to act cool...but not successful?! LOLs...i think he looks funny -.-

haha...this is better...


zhenming, adeline, zhongtao...

the 3 of them again...

left 2 now...

and again....

eunice looks unwilling to take photo with him...haha

LOL! ms teo....

grp photo with ms teo (only girls..)

ms teo again....

say hi....


3 of them!

renee & baozi

the supergirls!!!

HAHAHA...this looks funnny....

another random shot...

wads zhenming doing???

act cool again -.-

guess who is being squeezed by them....

ok...thats all for the lets enjoy zhongtao's concert!!! haha..
thats all folks...haha...hope u enjoy the concert...lols...anyway...would u all like to have cls outings? if yes...pls tag in tagboard for some suggestions and etc...
Sunday, 11 November 2007
costa sands, downtown east
check in at 2.30pm
room no. is 1321
BBQ will be on the first night
Things to bring
clothes ( 3 to 4 sets)
sanitary pads (strictly for girls only...)
toothbrush & toothpaste
shampoo, body wash, face wash
money (at least $20)
tissue/ toilet roll (if u are those tt always shit) LOL!
mp3 & charger
phone & phone charger
insect repellent
plastic bag to put dirty clothes etc
card games (poker & uno)
games (xbox/ playstation)
volleyball/deflatable ball
multi-purpose plug & 3pin plug
Things we can do
water bomb
ballgames (volleyball/captains ball etc)
watch movie
truth or dare
theme park
or you can always choose to stone :)
Everyday food
crackers/biscuit (tin)
cup noodles
BBQ stuffs
chicken wings
chicken hotdog
fish/sotong ball
sweet potato
sting ray
fried beehoon/rice
plastic cups, fork, spoon (spoon mb no need)
paper plate
paper napkin
thongs (x2)
satay sticks
wire grill
fire starter, match sticks, lighter
drinks (bottled)
big water container to put drinks
plastic bag (for water bomb game)
pls try to brg as many of the stuffs stated above...esp xbox or playstation machine and the games and controllers...oso brg any nice movies tt u have...any more comments pls tag in tagboard. thks
kathy :)
Wednesday, 7 November 2007's some crap stuff...i dont know what to write english we might get ms soh again nxt year...sad...hope she wont follow up and chem will be the same teacher ba...but i think we are all quite happy wif ms teo and mrs tan's teaching...but physics going to be mr gan...T.T...i want ms munirah back...haha...den math i think will change...after so many complaints abt mrs chang...wahaha...seems tt i haven seen her in sch for quite a long time this might be a sign tt she's not teaching in our sch anymore...hehe...den for the rest of the subjects we are not told anything...but i think chi lit will change...heard tt mr lam's going to teach in vjc or wadever...forgot the sch name le...
oh...before i's wad ms munirah wrote for us:
Sunday, 4 November 2007
initially i thought i had forgetten the log-in details,
but i tyco managed to log in in my first try!
whooo, Not bad ah!! :D
If only my memory was as good when it comes to studying for exams," ho seh" alrdy!! ^^V
Anw anw, i was doing my e-learning when feeling bored,
I decided to go to the stomp forum to just read for fun...
wlao end up read for 1 hour plus -.-
But but anw, i found this in one of the posts....
Hahaha although it's lame, it's real funny,
made me laugh out loud! :D
Anti-climax Ghost Stories
(credits to forumpire )
"Ghost Story #1 (WOOooooooo….*scary sound*)
When I was young, I lived in a deserted kampong deep in the jungle. Every night, my mother could ask me not to go home too late as there won’t be any transportation after a certain time.One night, before going home, I ta pao a kueh teow soup for supper. I was late and I waited for the taxi/bus but there was none. I was getting worried as the night was getting darker and darker. So I tried to flag down private vehicles to take me home.There was no one stopping for me, till one motorcyclist took compensation on me and stopped to give me a lift. He was a man with a kind face. I accepted his offer and got onto his motorbike.On the way home, we would pass by a temple. At night, the temple would look eerily spooky with the dim lights from the candles.At first, the motorcyclist was warm and friendly. When the temple was approaching, the motorcyclist eyes grown bigger and bigger. His kind face turned to a face of anger. He was muttering something loud but was not audible to me. I was so scared that I closed my eyes in order not to see his angry face.
Then, the motorcylist stopped in front of the temple and then yelled at me.“Your kueh teow soup is so hot!! It is burning my thigh! Can you please move it away???”
Ghost Story #2
When I was young, I have two friends who were very close to each other. They played with each other everyday. It was like, if you see A, you would see B next to him. They were always together.A loved fried eggs. Whenever he went out for lunch or dinner, without fail, he would ask for fried egg on top of his noodles, fried rice, etc.One day, A involved in an accident and died. B was devastated. B went to the cemetery to pray everyday. He would go to the nearest restaurant and ta pao a box of fried rice with an egg on top to be offered to A when he went to pray to him.The next day, he opened the box and there was no egg inside! B was petrified. He thought, must be A who came and took the fried egg away.The same thing happened the next day and the day after that. B was confused. So, one day, he asked the chef to make the same fried rice with a fried egg again. Then, he went to the cemetery to offer it to A. Curious, he opened the box to check for the egg. He was angry to find that, there was no fried egg in the box after all.
Feeling that he had been cheated, he went back to the restaurant and demanded to see the Chef. “Where is the fried egg?? I told you there must be a fried egg inside!! You have cheated me for a few days now! Gimme back my money!!”
Then, the Chef got really angry and opened the box - the fried egg was inside the box.The Chef said, “Stupid! You open the box upside down. No wonder you cannot see the egg!!”
[BF:I Heard this story before alrdy XD]
Ghost Story #3
When I was young, I went to town to work with a group of friends during our summer holidays of two months. Being young and away from home for the first time, we drank and smoke like nobody’s business.One night, we were pissed drunk and flagged the last bus down to go home.Being tired, we slept in the bus. It had been awhile that I fell asleep. I was awake by thechilly wind. I was shocked to find that there was no one in the bus, and I was the last passenger. I looked in front to check out for the driver. But the driver was no where in sight. Yet, the bus was moving.I panicked @!^@less. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I was not dreaming. The night was dark and cold.I hysterically jumped out from the bus and tried to run as hard as I could to get away.
Then I heard someone yelled at me from behind the bus.“Hey! Don’t run away! Come over here and help to push the bus!” yelled the bus driver.I saw my other friends helping to push the bus, which broke down while I was asleep.]]
[BF: LOL, this one's funny]
GeeZz..HouGanG Book SelleR
My friend lives in Hougang Ave 8 (Singapore). One evening he went to town for a movie with his friends. He was having a lot fun before he realized it was getting very late. He quickly made his way home. It was unusually dark and creepy that nite. As he was walking, he was astonished to find an old, creepy-looking street peddler selling some books along the road. It gave him the shivers when he noticed this pale old guy staring at him.> >The old guy said, "Son, why don't you get a book ... it will keep you company". My friend acted brave and thought why not. He had a look at the old man's collection ... his hair began to rise up on end when he noticed all the books were related to the supernatural. Nonetheless, he found one that was very interesting so he asked the old man, "How much is this, Uncle?" The old guy replied, "Well son ... that's an interesting book's $25." My friend was shocked and said "But ...but ...that's so expensive.." The old man said nothing but glared at myfriend which freaked him out. He quickly rummaged through his pockets & found $20.> >"T-t-this's all I have" he said. The old guy replied,> >"It's okay, son... u can've the book for that price." As my friend> >hastily paid for it & made a dash for home, the old man called out to him and said, "Son ... whatever happens, don't u ever flip the book to it's last page .... remember these words ...or u will regret it!!!!!!!!!!!!!"> >> >Reaching home, he quickly asked his parents," Dad ... mom ... are there any new booksellers nearby?" "Not that we know of ... but we've heard of a creepy old man that appears only at nite during a full moon & then disappears just as mysteriously. Nobody knows who he is, or where he comes from but many have become victims in his wake... why son?""N-nothing just asking", said my friend & ran straight to his room.Nervously, he opened the book & began reading, all the time remembering the warning the old man had given him. But after a while, he grew tired & fell asleep. At midnite, as he was sound asleep in bed, a cold gush of wind blew in through his bedroom window which startled him and sent chills down his spine. He looked at his table & noticed the wind had blown the pages of the book to its last page!!!!! For awhile, he laid in bed - frozen in fear, but soon curiosity got the better of him.> >> >He had to know what was on the last page.Slowly he got out of bed & carefully picked up the book. As he glimpsed at the last page, he let out a blood-curling scream & fainted...> >
This is what he read on the last page
>> >Retail Price : $ 10.99> >> >Promotional Price : $2.99"
okay i know the stories are quite lame,
but i think they are funny though
kay i gtg back to e-learning alrdy,
i've only finished my maths so far :'(
And tmr still got lessons?!
Sian-ness man D:
Haha see yall tmr :D!!
Thursday, 25 October 2007
(5th to 7th nov)
0745-0845 E/A maths (LT2)
0845-0945 Physics
0945-1045 Biology (Bio lab 2)
1045-1115 Recess
1115-1215 Chemistry (Chem lab 2)
1215-1315 SS lecture (LT1)
1315-1415 CL lit (LT2)
1415-1515 Chemistry (Chem lab 2)
0745-0845 Physics
0845-0945 Biology (Bio lab 2)
0745-0845 E Geog
0845-0945 Chemistry (Chem lab 1)
0945-1045 EL lecture (LT1)
1045-1115 Recess
1115-1215 E/A maths (LT1)
1215-1315 Biology (Bio lab 2)
1315-1415 CL lit (LT1)
**chem lesson to bring test tubes, ws, notes..
**e geog lecture to bring textbk, workbk and map reading bk
kathy :]
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Date: 12Nov to 14 Nov
Check-in time: 2.30pm (can also request for early chech-in i think)
Check-out time: 10.30am
Room no: not sure yet...but shld be 2nd floor
Payment: each pay $17, those nv stay will pay $12 and those going only bbq pay $10
ppl going for chalet:
1. kathy
2. zihou
3. baofang
4. eunice
5. adeline
6. lerling
7. renee
8. kailin
9. sabrina
10. angeline
11. rachel
12. yijie
13. joan
14. zhongtao
15. zhenming
16. ernest
17. szezhin
18 kehan
19. stanley
20. xiaolan
what we are going to do:
1. BBQ
2. playing water bomb
3. theme park (escape and/or wild wild wet)
4. ball games (volleyball/captain's ball/monkey etc)
5. murderer/熊杀人
6. card games (poker/uno)
7. watch vcds/dvds
8. play xbox games
9. arcade
10. truth or dare
11. cycling/blading
ok...this is almost all ba...will update again wad food and stuffs we need bring or buy when the chalet is coming...any suggestions please tag in tagboard...
kathy :]
Saturday, 20 October 2007
life goes on
to those who didnt do that well:
don't be too disappointed in youself. life goes on and after a failure we can still succeed. its part and parcel of life. don't take it too hard, after all, its just marks. but yes, i do understand, hard work and effort have been committed to this EOY exams. but as long as we did try our best, its okay. we can try again and do well for the 'o' levels. dun give up.
and yeah, chalet is coming quite soon i guess. haha. hope you all can make it. treat it as a break from our hectic life? ^^
Here's something dedicated to respect and everyone out there:
I will never give up
No matter what the odds are
No matter what people say
No matter how far I will never give up
If I throw it away time after time
If I am one step behind try after try
If I miss dime after dime
Iwill never give up
Even when it seems all over
Even when no one else believes
Even when it seems I can go no further
I will never give up
For I know I have strength within
For I know I can persevere
For I know that I can win
I will never give up
There is so much I can still do
There is too much talent to waste
There is so much in me that I want you to see
I will never give up
Why squander all of my hard work and dedication
Why not show the world that I am a fearless kido
Why quit when I still have the opportunity to go on
I will never give up
If I do,
I will not be the best me that could live
If I do,
I will never know what I am capable of
If I do, I am not giving the world all I can give
I will never give up
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
1) we have all been shivering in the COLD MSP3 room. ( we have been forced to try it out/ due to unforseen circumstances :/ + we are considered guinea pigs. trying out all the news things)
-can you believe it? everytime its our year who gets this kind of treatment. argh.
2) almost ALL the papers were killers, i didnt finish any of them. :/
3) the teachers who came to invigilate us were actually all FIERCE and TEMPERMENTAL. how i envy the room below us. O.o
4) Ms teo said so FAR 1/4 of the class have failed! i ahve a feeling its probably girls, cause the front registers are all girls. so guys, we still have a CHANCE!
5) I found out some of the PRC's can absorb heat EFFICIENTLY, which means they can stand the cold room. e.g: xunhao. (P.S: he started to lose his "cold standing" ability only on the second last day of the exams (chemistry). he stills have a c lit paper today.
6) Other Prc's were rather cute too, some of them brought "home checkered jackets"
Mr soon was right about the secondary 3 trend. It does applies to me though. i ahve been slacking for the whole year and been getting shit results. And it was relatively hard for the EOY'S . i was struggling to survive, practically couldn't breathe. hope the hard work does pay off!
Last thing:
I brought a very effective teh form my hometown.
Hope you all will enjoy it.
ALL kind of teh also have, especially
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Thu 11/10
0745-0945 Extra lesson for HCL/CL
0945-1015 Recess
1015-1415 FM 88.3 performance & Artsfest (GA)
Fri 12/10 Marking day
Mon 15/10 Off-in-lieu for Hari Raya Puasa
Tue 16/10 Normal lessons till 1415
Wed 17/10 to Fri 18/10 Exam Debrief
Mon 22/20
0745-1015 Exam debrief Amath + checking of CCA records (GA)
1015-1045 Recess
1045-1215 Checking of marks + Good teacher's checklist (Classrm)
Tue 23/10
0745-1045 Normal lessons
1045-1115 Recess
1115-1215 Social studies movies screening (LT1)
Wed 24/10 Normal lessons till 1215
Thu 25/10
0745-1045 Normal lessons
1045-1115 Recess
1115-1215 Sec 3 I & E PW Talk (LT1)
Fri 26/10 Civil District Heritage Tour
Friday, 31 August 2007
(click to enlarge)

end of comic...
nxt up...
Pre-school children were asked the following question: "In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Look carefully at the picture. Do you know the answer?
The only possible answers are "left" or "right." Think about it Still don't know?
Okay, I'll tell you. The pre-schoolers all answered "right"
When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling in the right direction?" they answered: "Because you can't see the door."
Feel pretty stupid now, don't you?Me too.
Subject: Annie Wan
Lee Sum Wan : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan?
Mr. Saw Lee : Yes, you can speak to me.
Lee Sum Wan : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Mr. Saw Lee : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Lee Sum Wan : I'm Sum Wan .And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.
Mr. Saw Lee : I know u are someone and u want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Lee Sum Wan : Well just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother, Noe Wan was involved in an accident. Noe wan got injured and now Noe Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.
Mr. Saw Lee : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital from the accident that isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Lee Sum Wan : You are so rude! Who are you?
Mr. Saw Lee : I'm Saw Lee.
Lee Sum Wan : You should be sorry. Now give me your name.
feeling cold?! wan somemore?!
Q1) Ah mei's dad has 7 wives, the 5th and 7th are africans. Guess a chinese idiom.
A1) Wu Qi Ma hei
Q2)There's a party in the forest but... who didn't get to eat the cake!?!
A2) GRASS because Cao Mei Dan Gao
Q3) Ah bao was murdered! however the police quickly found the killer.. who is it?
A3) Ah Dou because Dou Sa Bao
Q4) xiao bai n da bai r bros. As xiao bai grows older, he look more n more like his bro. Guess a chen yu
A4) Zhen Xiang Da Bai
Q5) Osama, Bush , Blair and Saddam play mahjong ... Who will win first ??
A5) Saddam Hussein because Saddam Hu Xian
Q6) Wat's e 2 panda biggest wish on earth ???
A6) i. Get rid of dark eyes ring
ii.Taking colour photo
Q7) Who will pick up the dumping(ba zhang) on the floor ?
A7) Xiang Long because Xiang Long Shi Ba Zhang
Q8) There are 3 Male and 1 Female pencils in a box. The Female pencil got pregnant!! Which Male pencil is responsible?
A8) the one without the rubber
Q9) Xiao ming drinks milk to grow up, Da ming drinks what?
A9) Alcohol because Jiu Yang Da Ming
Q10) which brand of shampoo is the wealthiest
A10) "Lux" Super Rich
Q11) What BATMAN say when he fell down?
A11) Painful Sia...(Bian fu sia)
freezing now?! ok..tts all for today...will put more nxt time...hehe...
kathy :B
Thursday, 30 August 2007
ms teo looking at the card...see her face -.-
oops! too dark! hehheh..
greedy ms so much cake! lols...
am-chio-ing...aiya..duno how to spell...zzz
ok...tts all for today...will update soon when i get more the abt having another cls outing??
possible places tt we can go:
sentosa - play ball games + go swimming + sun tanning ( too black for this haha)
east coast - bowling + cycling + playing etc + BBQ !
vivo - watch movie + play water! + shopping
and i cant think of anymore le...
possible movies: ratatouille/hairspray
pls tag to give comments...outing probably on tis sat...if not will be during sept holidays le...
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Thursday, 16 August 2007
i shall act like a pro.
rp's skills are quite good but just don't dare to go for the ball as heard, but hey! FG AIN'T BAD EITHER!! heard their girls like 1st class bowling balls~ sure STRIKE one` careful careful.
scores shoudn't be too far apart i think. think it willbe a gg? (good game)
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
oh btw, im maniac if you havent noticed. haha. i think i'll say who i am when #__ post have been posted. haha. WORK HARD PEOPLE! there goes the ests for this week! ^^ im excited about tomorrow's run~ haha. bet i'll end up WALKING and LAUGHING all the way. haha.
-maniac runs away~
Sunday, 5 August 2007
of course its me again.
-well. just something random im doing now. im now at starbucks with my laptop and posting something meaningful to respect's blog. haha. meaningful to me though., this is the first time that i post out of home? i bet im the first one. at STARBUCKS. how cool is that.
the world's become so advancedc now that everyone, well ALMOST everyone has a handphone in their belongings. and surely its something that one would not want to forget taking out., but hey. its not as if singapore's BIG that you cant find each other. haha. but oh well, to us little human beings, its still considered quite large~ but luckily there is the mrt. yay.
im now having my oreo cheesecake. yum. it costs 5.70 btw. $$$$ . this probably proves that costs in singapore is getting high. and we should save saVE SAVE!!! now its all about $$$$
im trying to imagine myself in france, enjoying the cheesecake, drinking my latte and posting. its a cool feeling, but the weather just spoiled it all~haha. i guess thats all for now~
maniac in FRANCE. ^^
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Anw, speaking of maniac, I think i know who maniac is lor....
and i really think i'm quite right this time...
heh...but haven't confirm yet...
gonna ask datt person whether he/she is maniac if i see him/her online...hehe...
Btw, I've got class photos!!
eh, but is the ones we took with the photographer last time...
coz i went to scan them...hehe
Sorry so late den post, i tried to post them a few times before, but couldn't coz blogger was really v. v. lag and wouldn't let me post....
Wth, blogger really very lag!!!
Very sorry...i really can't post the photos even though i tried alot of times already!!! :'(
D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Sorry!!! I'll try another time with another com. ok! hopefully can....
Anw, i can prognosticate (not bad eh.) that next week's gonna be a pretty busy one...
got quite a couple of tests coming up...
so JIAYOU everyone!!! ^^V Study hard!!!
Oh yah, and rmb to write ur draft for the EL essay too!!
ALL THE BEST to everyone for 5items this coming tues also! :D :D :D
Hope it doesn't rain on that day even though we'll prob still have our test coz it's indoors...
anw, it's been raining alot this couple of days...sian...v. inconvenient esp when we walk in and out of sch....& the whole day quite cold also....
but Takkaire kaes! don't catch the flu!!!
Anw. i gtg now le...gotta buy food for my mum..
Oh yah, and before i go,
Anyone got any tips for growing taller?????
I really really need to grow taller!!! ahhhh!!!! D:
Oh yah, and those who haven't pay class fund ($2.oo) the other time i collect pls bring on monday coz i'll cont. to collect...Thanks alot!!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
P.S: how come im the only one posting? O.o POST LEYY XD
Thursday, 19 July 2007
mrs chang thinks we're immortals? haha- enough about her- chem test was like ~~~super duper luper uper hard for me~ i didnt understand most of the questions and i dint finished it either- guess this means i dont understand the calculations~ O.o
i was okay, fine. at least the test are over- then ms soh came in and started PMS-ING- lerling was like running here and dere and ms soh was like "lerling, lerling lerling!!" as if she was her dogg, haha (no offence)-
after school, i was relieved, the tests were over! then i thought of something.. "crap....there's still chinese test tomorrow~"
in conclusion, today was...rather interesting~ everyone seemed to be doing well~ hopefully they feel that the tests are hard too ^^ haha, so i wun feel left out~ hehe
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
random and random and more random!!
we're fun and loud also( not bhb hor), ppl tink rp is boring coz they think we;re made up of brains and brains, but we are! everyone got brains what~~~ haha, u noe wad i mean~ i find myself getting lame since going to this class, i mean lamer, haha- maybe becoz they are just so many fun people in RP. doncha? "doncha wish ur girlfriend was hot like me~" haha- told you i was getting lamer. i suddenly feel like doing a analysis of the class people from register 1-42- post it on the blog- of course it wil contain only of sweet sweet stuff- haha- reminds me of munchy donuts now, im starting to feel hungry (growl?)- MUNCHY DONUTS are nice nice nice, go try it when you're walking out or waiting for the bloody red bus! its wont take MUCH time! (im kidding OKAY). better have 101% of patience, coz u might have to wait a pretty long time if the shop has super "TAO HUA YUN" on any other day~
haha- the nights still early and i guess everyone is mugging for tests coming up this week- or perhaps revising~ :/ which i feel i should try it, maybe it wld help in improving my s**t results, no vulgarities? i learnt my lesson since i went to sign up for mahjong online~ when the com just threw out one of my beautiful tiles without my consent, haha- i started scolding @#*! without realising the operator was black marking me- despite all the warning and reminders i got. haha. and guess what, i got banned from my own account- so i had to creat a new one? and i replaced all those @#*! with peanut buter, basket, durian, apples- whatever i could think of~ haha-
guess thats all for today! ^^
..i was actually trying to think of something to encourage RP as the last sentence, lol. But i cant think of any at the moment. errr... good luck? but..for what? haha- for ALL the TESTS~~~
chinese test this friday! :/
- maniac
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
blah blah blah... ...