Monday, 26 May 2008
0845-0945 BIOLOGY(MP2)
0945-1045 CHEMISTRY
1115-1215 CHEMISTRY
1215-1315 E/C LITERATURE
0745-0845 BIOLOGY(MP2)
0845-0945 PHYSICS
0945-1045 SS LECTURE(LT1)
1115-1215 E/A MATHS
1215-1315 E/A MATHS
1315-1415 PHYSICS
0745-0845 CHEMISTRY
0945-1045 BIOLOGY(MP2)
1115-1215 PHYSICS
1215-1315 E GEOG LECTURE
1315-1415 E/C LITERATURE
0845-0945 E/A MATHS
0945-1045 E/A MATHS
1115-1215 E GEOG LECTURE
I will update the timetable for next week maybe on sat or sun again. Oh ya...can everyone of you help to find E GEOG MID YEAR EXAM PAPER of others school? We'll need 5 per class...but the more the better cos we may have papers of some schools that other classes have also. So just get as much different schools as you can. I think I will get the paper of bendemeer sec so please find papers for other schools. Thanks Alot...
Sunday, 25 May 2008
J for jokes
Insulting jokes:
- Yo' mama so ugly, she went into a haunted house and came out with an
application. - Yo' mama so fat, she wears two watches -- one for each time zone!
- Yo' mama so old, I told her to act her age and she died!
- Your cooking is so bad, the homeless give the food back!
- Yo' mama so ugly, when two men broke into her house and she yelled, ''RRRRAAAAAPPPEEEE'', they yelled ''NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOO!''
- Yo' mama so stupid, she climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side.
- Yo' mama so stupid, she sold her car for gas money.
- Yo' mama's teeth are so crooked, each tooth has a sign saying, ''One mile to the next tooth.''
- You're so fat, mountain climbers climb the Himalayas for practice before climbing you.
- Yo' mama so ugly, she took a beauty nap and slipped into a coma!
- Yo' mama so old, I slapped her on the back and her tits fell off!
- Yo' mama so fat, you use her thong as a hammock! (I think this is damned funny)
- Yo' mama's so fat she went on an airplane and it turned into a boat.
- Yo' mama so stupid, she put a ruler next to her bed to see how long she sleeps!
- Yo' mama's teeth so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter!
- Yo' mama's so fat, she went out in high heels and came back in flip flops.
- Yo' mama's so fat, she stepped on the weighing scale and your handphone number showed up
- Yo' mama's so fat she plays hopscotch like this: Atlanta, New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angels, Seattle, Las Vegas...
- Yo' mama so fat, the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs!
- Yo' mama's so fat that when she went to school she sat next to the whole class!
- Yo' daddy is so bald, when he wears a turtleneck he looks like a broken condom.
- Yo' mama's breath stinks so bad, people look forward to her farts!
- Yo' mama so stupid, when you were born she saw the umbilical cord and said, “Hey it comes with cable!”
Last joke:
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.
"Well," he said, 'I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's 'the' night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. And I've got a feeling I'm going to get lucky after that. Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack."
The young man makes his purchase and leaves. Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents.
He asks if he might give the blessing, and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying with his head down for several minutes after everyone starts eating.
The girl leans over and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person."
He leans over to her and says, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist."
kthxbye I'm done. have a gr8 time laughing! :-)
Friday, 23 May 2008
CIP @ Tampines
Reporting time: 9am
Reporting Venue: Blk 845
Attire: PE t-shirt and any bottom. Any shoes should be ok.
(cos there'll be no tchers going along tmr. Haha.)
* Attendance will be taken. Please try not to be late.
From Tampines interchange, take bus 291 and alight at the 3rd stop (near Blk 855) or at the 4th stop (near Blk 835) . Then walk to Blk 845. This takes you approximately about 10mins. So please plan your time wisely and do not be late.
Please take note of your groupings and follow your group leader's instructions.
Group 1 (Blk 838)
- Angeline (i/c)
- Meizhen
- Renee
- Shumei
- Brandon
- Yiyang
Group 2 (Blk 839)
- Adeline (i/c)
- Shiqi
- Lerling
- Wenxin
- Ernest
- Wilmer
Group 3 (Blk 840)
- Eunice (i/c)
- Constance
- Baofang
- Xumeng
- Stanley
- Xiaolan
Group 4 (Blk 841)
- Jane (i/c)
- Joan
- Xiaolin
- Tongyao
- Kehan
- Yule
Group 5 (Blk 842)
- Jixin (i/c)
- Yijie
- Rachel
- Mingju
- Szezhin
- Xunhao
Group 6 (Blk 843)
- Jocelyn (i/c)
- Sabrina
- Zihou
- Danling
- Zhenming
- Weixin
Group 7 (Blk 845)
- Linli (i/c)
- Kailin
- Zhouwei
- Zhongtao
- Zhuoyue
- Kathy
Group Leaders please distribute the work equally among your group members and make sure that everyone is doing their assigned duty.
Take note that when distributing the flyers, do not knock on residents' door or enter their homes. Just leave the flyers at the doorstep or on the gate and make sure that the flyers do not fly away. After distributing the flyers, please gather back at Blk 845 to take your attendance again.
Please cooperate and then everyone will be able to leave as soon as all the flyers have been distributed. Its our last year already, so hope everyone can do your part! :D
Monday, 19 May 2008
im really starting to hate home. you know, H-O-M-E. A place to let you relax, keep your mind off things, its suppose to be something like your hide out, your cave or something. but now, its like hell. what happened people, what did? can anyone tell me? whats with the mood swings woman? can't you overlook the flaws of dad? he's YOUR husband, probably the one you'll gonna spend your remaining life with, actually not probably, its POSITIVE. urgh, im so tired to cleaning up after you dad, please, be a man, dun show the shut-the-fuck-up-woman-i-had-enough-of-you face. JUST TELL HER or AVOID doing things that anger her. in case you dun noe, im ALWAYS the one helping you, always the one tolerating the shit from the woman. and i TOLERATE and tolerate and tolerate. enough is enough. i really had enough. why not just divorce, it'll be better im sure. she cant stand you, you cant stand her and i cant stand both of you.i rather be in an orphanage, or stay with my aunt, at least i cant play with my couzees, and there's a maid there. so please DIVORCE. i really cant wait and i won't follow either of you. life's miserable.
everytime she screams, SOMEONE COME WASH THE DISHES. im the one who does it. not that i want it, cause dad walks by my room and ask me to GO. everytime she screams where did you all die to? im the one who goes there and does what she wants, whenever she screams, im the one who reports. like a dog, at the back of her call. wow, im so ecstatic on being the adult's dog, i tot i was your daughter. never thought how i would end up like a dog. to say it in a nicer way, im your mediator. betweeen the 2 of you, "translating" messages and scoldings to one another. what do you guys take me for.? everything wasnt this bad in the past, everything resolved after a few hours. not now, not ever anymore. i hate doing this, i really do. coming home is like hell to me now, i dun like it i really don't. can anyone help? i doubt so, this kinda things don;t go away easily, it just don't . i cant turn a blind eye to it cause im part of it, i must be part of it. otherwise, my life would be even worse, im trying to make it better, but seems like im the one feeling depressed. taking all this shit from you guys. i hate adults. you guys are hypocrites, you guys dun care about each other. the man only eats, sleep and watch tv. the bitch just bark all day like no one'sbusiness.get a life. if you both cant meet eye to eye, just break up okay. dun worry that i cant take it, i can. i will cry but i can, i PREFER it that way, at least you guys will be happier, you said you wanted to but you didnt want me to grow up in a broken family, well, thanks, but no thanks. i rather grow up in a broken family, visiting you and dad on different weekends. that'll be great , at least i know you guys won't fight, you guys will learn to treasure love more, and treasure me more. im like so useless now, my grades are bad, my mood's bad,my family's bad... my fingers are rotting, no more dishes, i rather break them. no more tv i rather smash them, no more clothing i rather tear them.
dun make me hate both of you............................................................................................. please
i just want to leave the best up here. dun ruin it....................................................................... i need it.
Monday, 12 May 2008
May all of us will pass with flying colours!
hope yall will cheer up and not feel too discouraged.
Even if you do make mistakes in the exams, it's better to make them now than in prelims or olvls.
So take comfort in that k!
All the Best to everyone!!!

Saturday, 10 May 2008
Hmm...Nth much to say...Debriefs are coming so good luck to all of you! When I have the time i'll update abt the bazaar and post some pictures...although its been over for quite some time alrdy...hehs...sry for the lag-ness... =X
Friday, 9 May 2008
New Blogskin
that's slow, I know. the mid-year exams were over yesterday. -.-
anyway I'm currently @ ll's house, 'cause it was too bored for me over at home. gee. there's supposed to be Mahjong session at her house but Bao couldn't leave her mommy's sight. :-( pretty sad.
I've just spent 2 hours changing the blogskin. I think it looks fine. the blue colour gives a very calm and peaceful look. but I wonder if yall will like it. tsk. this blogskin was done by my friend Ye Ling. ha ha. mm. give comments on the skin by tagging up there okay. :-)
even though exams are over, it seems really bored 'cause there's nothing we can do. of course I won't study. (that's a very lame thing to do)
sorry I've got no jokes right now. lol.
- Renee
Thursday, 8 May 2008
jokes by Mei Zhen
Joke #1
One day, Tim and his mum went to the clinic. His mum was at the counter paying money after their annual health check-up. Tim saw a pregnant woman and was curious,
"Why is your stomach so big?" he asked the woman.
The woman replied,"Because I have a baby." And she patted her stomach affectionately.
The boy's curiosity grew, and he asked again," Is the baby in your stomach?"
The woman said "Yes, it is."
"Is the baby a good baby?"the boy tugged at the pregnant woman's dress.
"Of course he is a good baby!" the woman exclaimed.
In a real innocent voice, the boy asked," Then why did you eat the baby up?"
aham (clears my throat)
Joke #2
A resident committee council was looking for ways to get more people to join its activities. So they brainstormed and came up with the idea of asking a hypnotist (dun ask me why). They then put up flyers everywhere, asking local residents to go to the community hall for a one night only event. Plus, it was free. On that day, lots of people turned up and the hall was jam-packed.
The hypnotist walked onto the stage and took out a pocket chain watch. "Look at my watch, follow it,"he said in a slow drawl and swing the watch slowly. "1..", he counted, and the audience was still. "2..." the whole audience was mesmerised and gazing at the stopwatch in wonderment. At the slip of his hand, he dropped his stopwatch and uttered "Shit". The cleaners spent 3 weeks cleaning up the mess in the hall.
Haha, did I help u unwind abit after MYEs? You deserve it!
-walking on sunshine