Hi :D
This is baofang here posting, since maniac says "POST LEYY XD"...
Anw, speaking of maniac, I think i know who maniac is lor....
and i really think i'm quite right this time...
heh...but haven't confirm yet...
gonna ask datt person whether he/she is maniac if i see him/her online...hehe...
Btw, I've got class photos!!
eh, but is the ones we took with the photographer last time...
coz i went to scan them...hehe
Sorry so late den post, i tried to post them a few times before, but couldn't coz blogger was really v. v. lag and wouldn't let me post....
Wth, blogger really very lag!!!
Very sorry...i really can't post the photos even though i tried alot of times already!!! :'(
D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Sorry!!! I'll try another time with another com. ok! hopefully can....
Anw, i can
prognosticate (not bad eh.) that next week's gonna be a pretty busy one...
got quite a couple of tests coming up...
JIAYOU everyone!!! ^^V Study hard!!!
Oh yah, and rmb to write ur draft for the EL essay too!!
ALL THE BEST to everyone for 5items this coming tues also! :D :D :D
Hope it doesn't rain on that day even though we'll prob still have our test coz it's indoors...
anw, it's been raining alot this couple of days...sian...v. inconvenient esp when we walk in and out of sch....& the whole day quite cold also....
but Takkaire kaes! don't catch the flu!!!
Anw. i gtg now le...gotta buy food for my mum..
Oh yah, and before i go,
Anyone got any tips for growing taller?????
I really really need to grow taller!!! ahhhh!!!! D:
Oh yah, and those who haven't pay class fund ($2.oo) the other time i collect pls bring on monday coz i'll cont. to collect...Thanks alot!!